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Terms for subject General (46140 entries)
desodoriseringsapparater, ikke til personlig brug deodorising apparatus (not for personal use )
desorptionshastighed desorption rate
dessigner designer
destabiliserende ekstremistiske udfald destabilizing activity of extremists
destillationsapparater distillation apparatus
destillationsapparater til laboratorieforsøg stills for laboratory experiments
destillationsapparater til videnskabelig brug distillation apparatus for scientific purposes
destillationskolonner distillation columns
destillationsrester residue in a still after distillation
destillationsrester til brug som dyrefoder distillery waste for animal consumption
destillerede drikke distilled beverages
destillering-mineralisering distillation-mineralization
destruktion digestion
destruktion af affald destruction of waste and trash
destruktionsattest destruction certificate
destruktiv analyse destructive analysis
destruktiv analyse destructive assay
destruktiv undersøgelse af pladerne destructive examination of the plates
Det Ad hoc-rådgivende Nævn ad hoc advisory panel
det administrative enhedsdokument single administrative document